Nutrition treatment is different from medicine treatment. In nutrition treatment, when the nutrition is in a sufficiency supplement condition, the body will adjust the function automatically and improve the cure ability, active the body functions and promote metabolism. During this period, someone will feel uncomfortable or abnormity. It may last 1-7days. We called this “good reaction”.
Many people will mistake it as the side effects of the health food.
Some one will appear the following normal reactions:
A. Dryness
B. Tiredness & sleepiness
C. Defecating is black
D. Running a low fever
E. Hungry feeling
F. Feel cold and sudation
G. More thick phlegm
H. Emiction increasing and appearing yellow
I. Roseola and titillation appear
J. Feeling discomfort in some parts of the body
K. The old feeling of ailment will appear once again
Drinking more water, the uncomfortable reaction will disappear automatically after 3-5days then you will find obvious improvement.
Most of the people will have the following feelings after eating the health food according to serving direction.
A. Enhancing physical strength and reducing fatigue and alleviating
B. Increasing energy and improving Sexual Performance
C. Making you looks younger and keeping slimness
D. Diminishing inflammation and fester
E. Catching chough, sore throat and cold hardly
F. Relives symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) such as
irritability, breast tenderness and bloating
G. Stomach acid, gastrectasia, stomachache will disappear
H. Curing constipation and eliminating Hemorrhoids
I. Promoting the immune system
J. Well sleeping
K. Improving the appetite
L. Improving memory
M. Lowing blood pressure
N. Improving the chronic disease
O. Helping to cure male infertility
P. Other feelings