Nanometer Technology The Future of Food Supplements
Nanometer technology, information technology and biotechnology are known as the three key dominant technology in 21st century. The development of nanometer technology will bring tremendous influence on materials science, life science and medical science. As for both micro and macro scopes in the material world, we-human being have made enormous progress, but when looking at the scope of 1-100 nanometers lying between the micro and macro material world, scientists discovered some strange physical and chemical phenomena, such as object hardness, toughness, specific heat, electrical conductivity, diffusivity, susceptibility are totally different from our common knowledge. Because of these new discoveries, it may result in some new theories which will bring great impacts on human; furthermore, it will become a lasting revolution. Hence, most countries have brought out their new project planning for the nanometer technology development, as for us, it is a great opportunity to further develop and accelerate domestic technology and science development, both scientists and entrepreneurs are working closely to make constant progress in nanometer science.
 The unique processing of “Phycry Technology” (Nanometer Cryogenic Technology for physically breaking up the cells of bee pollen)is a combination of very low temperatures( -170℃ ), high vacuum and ultra high speed air flows. The air is moving in two opposite directions at about 3 times the speed of sound. The objects are struck by these opposing high speed air flows resulting in 99% of the cells being broken up and also turned in very tiny size of the nutritional substances. By doing the processing in a vacuum with very low temperatures the full nutritional values are preserved. The extremely tiny sizes of the resulting products are more easily absorbed by the human body.