1、 What is bee pollen?
Pollen is the sex organs of flowers,that is to say the sperm of plants.It is in a light nut brown or straw color.Plants have two ways to be pollinated and we called“wind inter-mediate pollen”and“insect inter-mediate pollen”.The most edible form of pollen is insect inter-mediate pollen.When the ever industrious bees collect pollen, they use their feet to twist pollen into tiny balls which they carry back to their honeycomb home.And these pollen balls are called bee pollen.The diameter of the pollen cell is about 15-50 miron. |
2、 Why the pollen should be broken-up?
Pollen has two rigidity walls and nothing can do harm to the wall so most of the nutrition value and those unreleased nutrients of bee pollen pass out of the body before they can be fully digested and absorbed and people just absorb the nutrition only about 5-10%. |
3、 What is the effect by using the pollen in beauty?
Use the bee pollen as the mask can exclude the blain,wrinkle and speckle.As Japanese information reports,the bee pollen of external use, may make middle-aged woman eliminate the wrinkles of 70%,age pigment of 50%,and flecker of 30%.Using bee pollen once,blain area is reduced obviously.After three times,wrinkle is reduced and your skin feels smooth.10 times later,speckles is alleviated obviously. The effect will be much better if eat the bee pollen together. |
4、 What is the unique characteristics for using bee pollen for beauty?
Natural beauty:Bee pollen can bring you sound health,natural beauty, help to develop and maintain a good figure and help to make a woman appear to be charming even without dressing up.
Health Protection:Bee pollen’s protection of good health is used to improve a woman’s beautiful looks,smooth and graceful skin and charm. None of these beauty attributes come from artificial make up.They come from the deep inner and outer good health resulting from the nutritional benefits of bee pollen.
Safety:Bee pollen is safe and beneficial for all ages.It has no poisons,and none of the side-ffects caused by manufactured synthetic cosmetics.
5、 What is the obvious effect of bee pollen?
It can reach the effects such as:enhancing physical strength,reducing fatigue,strengthening the digestive function,improving the appetite and
curing constipation,improving memory,alleviating neurosis,improving sleeping,improving the cells’ ability, delaying senescence,prolonging life ect.
It can also use for facial beauty and using on a regular basis will give you smooth,lustrous and radiant facial skin.The microelement including in the bee pollen has
an important function in maintain people’s life.The human body can manufacture some vitamins, but can't manufacture the macro elements and microelement.So the essential
macro elements and microelement can only be absorbed from water or food.If the body is deficient in microelements it will cause illness and accelerated aging and bring danger to out life . |
6、 Why the bee pollen can promote the immune system?
Bee pollen is rich in protein、amino acid、carbohydrate and lipids so it can manufacture new cells and supply a large amount of cells dissipating in brainwork、physical work and sports. |
7、 Why bee pollen can protecting your heart and lowering your blood pressure?
Bee pollen contains many elements which are good anti-carcinogenic substances including Selenium (Se),biotin(know as Vitamin H,part of the B vitamin complex and essential
to the enzyme system),Copper(Cu),Magnesium(Mg), Iron(Fe),Zinc(Zn),Calcium(Ca)
and active enzymes.All of these elements work together to normalize the immune system,
restore the body’s strength,improve the appetite,stimulate bone morrow to produce
blood and to enhance the cells detoxification ability.These elements also can fight
tumors with stronger immune capability and agitate macrophage so as to build up
the body’s resistance to foreign substance such as tumor and carcinogenic.
The nucleic acid in bee pollen can also restrain cancer cells,protect healthy
cells and improve immunity. |
8、Why bee pollen is good medical improvements against obesity and emaciation?
Bee pollen is rich in vitamins,minerals,nucleic acids,amino acids and other nutrients that are good “balancing agents”which can accelerate fat metabolism by converting fat into energy.
9、 Why bee pollen can protect the liver and restore kidney function?
Bee pollen is rich in nucleic acids and can therefore not only supply the required amounts but also improve liver function to strengthen its capability to produce nucleic
acids.Bee pollen contains a lot of the amino acids required by the body which can improve the liver detoxification function,and promote the growth of liver cells.In the
treatment of patients suffering from Hepatitis B,PHYCRY processed bee pollen works effectively and quickly. |
10、 What can bee pollen do for female climacteric changes?
The climacteric includes both psychological and physiological changes and usually occurs in women between the age of 40-50.During the climacteric a woman’
s hormonal secretions will fluctuate and these variations in the normal hormonal secretions will cause several problems,both physiological and psychological.
These problems include irritability,frustration and vomiting.Eat 5-10 grams 2-3 times each day.The rate of improvement can reach 89% after 8-15 days.
11、 Why bee pollen can benefit children’s growth?
Bee pollen can enhance growth of the body,help in the absorption of Potassium and Vitamin D and can also prevent children from contracting osteomalacia.
Also,bee pollen contains Vitamin H which can aid both stomach and intestinal functions and also stimulate bone marrow to produce blood. These benefits
of bee pollen greatly assist the child’s growth and also improve children’s appetite. |
12、 Why bee pollen can delay senescence?
There are more than 500 kinds of elements in the bee pollen and the ingredients of bee pollen are able to enhance the activity of SOD in
the body,and to promote the syntheses of SOD.So bee pollen can delay senescence.
13、 Why bee pollen is known as“Concentrated Minisize nutrition warehouse”? And why bee pollen is known as the unique complete nutrient food so far ?
According to the scientific test,bee pollen contains 22 kinds of amino acid and protein, 14 kinds of vitamin, more than 100 kinds of enzyme and coenzyme,30 kinds of microelement and α & β carotene, and rich in nucleic acid.Also it contains
many kinds of ferments, biotins and element total content reaches more than 500 kinds.It has a comprehensive effect like nutrition, regulation, treatment and restoration for the skin.It is helpful for nervous system,digestive system and
circulatory system.Also it is good to reinforce and catalyze the immune system. |
14、 What is the “PHYCRY TECHNOLIGY”?
What is the characteristics of broken-up bee pollen?
The unique processing is a combination of very low temperatures (-170℃),high vacuum and very high speed air flows.The air is moving from two directions at about 3 times the speed of sound.The bee pollen is struck by these opposing high speed air flows and 99% of the cells are broken up.And by doing this processing in a vacuum with very low temperature the full nutritional values are preserved.This technology reduces the bee pollen grains to bellow 5 micron so 99% of the bee pollen can be absorbed by human body. |
15、 Why the PHYCRY processed bee pollen can use as facial beauty? What about the effect?
The pores in the human body are 6-7 microns,and the diameter of the bee pollen is only 5 microns.So the smaller grain size is more easily and more completely absorbed by the body.
Much of the inherent nutritional of the bee pollen are never released using other methods.The tiny grain size lets the active ingredients work directly and rapidly into the dermis,
speeding up blood circulation and improving skin tone and skin beauty. |
16、 Why the bee pollen can strengthen the digest function,improving the appetite and cure constipation?
The nucleic and Vitamin B1 including in the bee pollen can promote the normal secretions of gastric juices and the enzymes help the secretion of natural lactic acid by the stomach and intestines,
which helps to maintain the constant normal movement of the intestine and helps to adjust the function of intestines.The saccharide in bee pollen is the nutritious material for the growth of
probiotics in the intestines of our body,and it will restrain the growth of undesirable bacteria. |
17、 Why bee pollen can enhance physical strength and reduce fatigue?
Bee pollen is rich in protein、amino acid、carbohydrate and lipids so it can manufacture new cells and supply a large amount of cells dissipating in brainwork、
physical work and sports. |
18、 Why bee pollen can improve memory and sleeping and alleviation neurosis?
Bee pollen is rich in balanced nutritional composition including amino acid,vitamins,various kinds of unsaturated fatty acid,microelements,and other active substances,it helps to improve brain function,promotes the development of the adolescent’s brain,strengthens memory.Also,bee pollen is of great help in clearing the mind,stimulating innovation and gaining a better understanding.So it can improve the sleeplessness,forgetfulness,headache, nervousness,pessimism.
19、 Why bee pollen can prevent stomatitis and influenza?
Bee pollen is rich in the B Vitamin Group and nicotinic acid and these elements are effective in preventing stomatitis.The nucleic acids in bee pollen
can accelerate the regeneration of cells and rapidly repair wounds.It also can help to prevent influenza because it is the warehouse rich in various kinds
of nutrients which are balanced and extremely beneficial to our body. |
20、 Why bee pollen can strengthen the physique and increase energy?
In 1997,100 prostatitis patients in Sweden were selected for clinical trials of PHYCRY processed bee pollen.The treatment period averaged 3 months.As a result,
89% of the patients were cured, and the other 11% felt better. |
21、 Why bee pollen can promote the blood making function?
The essential elements for making blood are:Iron(Fe),Copper(Cu),Potassium(K),and Magnesium(Mg).All of these elements are rich in bee pollen. After eat
the bee pollen for 1 month,the erythrocyte levels will increase to 0.8 X 10/L.For children,two months later their erythrocyte levels had risen 25-30%
and their hemoglobin levels rose by 15%. |
22、 Why bee pollen can have a good function to prevent and cure diabetes?
Chronic diseases are most caused by the deficiency of ferment.And bee pollen is full of ferments.
Diabetes are caused by endocrine and insulin disorders.Bee pollen contains Vitamins B & C as well as amino acids and these elements will help to regulate both the internal organs and the insulin function.The nucleic acid in bee pollen will reduce the absorption of saccharide which is also helpful in curing diabetes.Clinical tests of PHYCRY processed bee pollen were conducted at the Guangzhou Traditional Medicine Hospital in 1993.Treatment for diabetes,chronic prostatitis and constipation was administered to 90 patients. These patients took 10 grams of bee pollen 3 times each day as auxiliary treatment.After one and a half month of bee pollen treatment,the average improvement rate for all 3 problems was 94.7%.