1、  What is bee pollen?
2、  Why the pollen should be broken-up?
3、  What is the effect by using the pollen in beauty?
4、  What is the unique characteristics for using bee
      pollen for beauty?

5、  What is the obvious effect of bee pollen?
6、  Why the bee pollen can promote the immune system?
7、  Why bee pollen can protecting your heart and lowering your       blood pressure?
8、  Why bee pollen is good medical improvements against obesity       and emaciation?
9、  Why bee pollen can protect the liver and restore kidney       function?
10、 What can bee pollen do for female climacteric changes?
11、 Why bee pollen can benefit children’s growth?
12、 Why bee pollen can delay senescence?
13、 Why bee pollen is known as “Concentrated Minisize nutrition       warehouse”? And why bee pollen is known as the unique       complete nutrient food so far ?
14、 What is the “PHYCRY TECHNOLIGY”? What is the characteristics       of broken-up bee pollen?
15、 Why the PHYCRY processed bee pollen can use as facial beauty?       What about the effect?
16、 Why the bee pollen can strengthen the digest function,       improving the appetite and cure constipation?
17、 Why bee pollen can enhance physical strength and reduce       fatigue?
18、 Why bee pollen can improve memory and sleeping and alleviation       neurosis?
19、 Why bee pollen can prevent stomatitis and influenza?
20、 Why bee pollen can strengthen the physique and increase       energy?
21、 Why bee pollen can promote the blood making function?
Why bee pollen can have a good function to prevent and       cure diabetes?
1、 What is bee pollen?

Pollen is the sex organs of flowers,that is to say the sperm of plants.It is in a light nut brown or straw color.Plants have two ways to be pollinated and we called“wind inter-mediate pollen”and“insect inter-mediate pollen”.The most edible form of pollen is insect inter-mediate pollen.When the ever industrious bees collect pollen, they use their feet to twist pollen into tiny balls which they carry back to their honeycomb home.And these pollen balls are called bee pollen.The diameter of the pollen cell is about 15-50 miron.
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