Protecting liver and restoring kidney function:
Liver is both a synthetic organ and a detoxifying organ.In recent years the attack rate of hepatitis has been going up.That is due to environmental pollution,poor hygienic conditions and cross infection caused by people's enlarging communications. The liver can produce nucleic acids. The nucleic acids needed by human body is supplied by the liver partly,and the rest is supplied by the foods.Pollen is rich in nucleic acids,which not only can supply the nucleic acids but also improve the liver function.So pollen is perfect for the human beings.
In according with the research it is asserted that HBV in liver cells can reproduce HbsAg(virus of Type-B hepatitis).And the immune function of the patients,who were infected with HBV,is low.There is immune substance in pollen, which has very strong immunity,i.e,special immunocompetent protein.It can control the reproduction of the both mentioned above.In addition,pollen has lots of amino acids needed by human body,which can improve liver function of detoxification, and promote the growth of liver cells.
Therefore,in the treatment of patients who suffer from Type-B hepatitis without symptom,the physical break-up shell in low temperature pollen is effected quickly.On the other hand,it can improve the liver function.That's why at present pollen is superior to all kinds of drugs for liver protection. Moreover,not a few of women who menstruate contract in different degree endomentrium ectoplasm.They're usually suggested a drug Dan Na Zuo for treatment.But the drug has side effect and is harmful to liver function.If it is mixed with pollen,the side effect can be avoided.